Sunday, April 27, 2008

Got some sketching in at a convention

One of my little goals is to get some sketching in everyday. I usually get about 15 min. done while I am waiting to get my kids from school. I try to leave early some days just to have more time to wait/draw.
I went to a mothers of multiples convention this weekend and i actually went to the lobby early before the workshops started to sketch. I even did more during a break! I am a bit stumped has to how to show the fountain.
I am very proud of my little step. I used a .5 black pigma marker in a
5.5 x 8.5 sketchbook.
ALSO i did some more when i took my husband to the doctors today. The kids read and also drew and I did this quick flower.


Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

VERY nice work!!!

Becky said...

I love these sketches. I think the fountain is great. I love how you have the statue more outlined rather than showing lots of detail.

Great job


Christie said...

Awesome sketching! I, too, love the handling of the fountain, makes it "fade" a bit into the distance


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