EDM challenges #197 draw a remote and EDM # I can't find now...draw a drawing instrument.When I sit down to draw an EDM challenge I tend to look at the list and see what around me, that would fit into the list. Well, this really just doesn't work to well as i don't always right the number down and when I go back to tag it...I look the lost over two and three times...this time still not seeing one. Was it really there. Yeah you think I would right the number down when I start the sketch...nope don't seem to. Just go "Oh there's one", and start sketching away. Gotta get more organized. I like how many EDM sketchers just work down or up the list in order.In general that is not my nature but I strive,dream about being super organized!
I did this Niji watercolor brush, a favorite in my travel box and have grown quite a liking that I find I grab it even when I am working at my desk. There are several sizes if you have not tried any.(I got mine at Michaels where you can use a coupon).
The page looked stark with just it and well, I hop to the list and had the remote right there so I added it to fill out the page some. I find the varying shades of black quite the challenge as well.Something to keep working on.
I use Niji brushes ALL the time! Very nice pages. And thank you for stopping by my blog!
Well drawn, the hatching on the remote is very good.
I'm one of those that does all the EDM's in order..I find it pushes me out of my box to find something that goes with the challenge, sometimes I end up drawing something I would never have thought of doing before!
great hatching techniques! And I always wonder how well those PITT artist pens work...as they are award winning and all, but from here it seems like they work really well, but of course in the hands of an expert artist ^^
well done, great texture!
Wonderful sketches! I really like the way you cross-hatch!
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