Monday, September 16, 2013

Painting 7&8 Fell Behind Striving to Get Back

It all got away on me about day 9. I had some paintings based and working on. Then regular things called and I could ignore no more.  Wednesday/Thursday teaching at school, soccer practice and a Game . Though game rained out proved to be a good night to catch up on kids homework, get a head even, few loads of laundry and that took care of that night. I thought it would be a day or two and I would be back on track last Friday. But an unexpected visit from my mother n law took care of that day and that night we were going to see The Lion King. Saturday I am trying not to beat myself up over it and just kept saying I will catch up...homework again took the morning. Several projects for the triplets due at the end of the month and one we could just about knock out that day. So that is what I did. Not feeling myself and a bit over whelmed 'with all that needs to be done" but not really sure where to start. I turned to updating my Fall workshops and my newsletter. It didn't seem as tasking as getting to my painting. I am disappointed in myself. But beginning to feel OK with everything till this Monday morning I see it is the 16! Well that means this 30 day challenge is half way through and I am on painting 9. It knocked the wind out of me. I did manage to just push through as I knew I had these to paintings to finish. I am pleased with their out come. I am actually excited about finding inspiration for the next....but maybe Wednesday as I am meeting my 2nd great nephew for the first time who traveled in from Atlanta! Of course mom and I saw a=on Sunday at Grammy camp. :)
Come on In by Susan Walker
$30 through September
6 x6" mixed media on basswood panel
Click here for information
Give by Susan Walker
$30. Through September 30 in 30 Challenge
At my sisters(aka Grammy camp) this is two of the triplets Zack in green and Jacob in blue with my first great nephew Benjamin doing what boys like to do...gamin'
 Photo: A guy thing.

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