Last couple Lenten seasons I have done Twisted Line drawings from journaling props from another artist, Tamara Peterson of Artful Story. This year, I'm going to attempt to find inspiration on my own. I'm excited to see where I am led. These little Zentangled inspired drawings are relaxing and I can reflect and think about the verse as I draw.
In an article from Time magazine I found it said Ash Wendsday has been observed since about the 11th centry. In the 1970's , YES, 1970's when trends were going toward contecting the physical body with the spiritual body, as well as to open up conversations about faith.
In the article from Time, Lauren F. Winner, a priest and assistant professor at Duke Divinity School. “You see that in the book Daniel in the nine chapter there’s a line about associating fasting with ashes, so ashes are associated with penance, which is the dominant theme of Lent.”
I often need a little back story to help me take in a verse. So my prompt starts with verse 2 of Danial 9 and goes to Danial 9:4
"In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments." Daniel 9:2-4.NIV
Now on to the Drawing! I use simple materials to be able to do the prompt with in my lifestyle as a mom of four,wife,artist/self employed, bus driver etc. I recomend picking materials that you too can manage ans set yourself up for success.
Again this year I'm working on a 3.5" x 3.5" card weight paper. ( a smooth bristal works nicely), dollar store type machanical pencil, no sharpening needed, Sakura Prisma markers. Sizes .03,.01,.005. All in black. I LOVE these pens and have ok..many many. If your just getting started, the .01 will get the job done nicely. ( or any fine tip marker you have) Maybe toss in a litlle white eraser. Again can be found at dollar store. I keep all of this and pre-cut paper in a 4"x6" plastic container.
I like a little boarder. It helps frame in the design. So I reflected and thought about the verses and tried to portray how it would be applied and interpreted for myself. I begin with a pencil sketch of some of the basic shapes and fill in as I go directly with ink/marker.
Looking into what a sakcloth is I learned it was from goats. Their coat is bulky and known to be VERY uncomfortable. My figue is kneeling head bowed in repentance. I feel like when lm brought to my knees, it is serious business.
As I added ashes, the challenge for me was to keep them light looking in weight, but grey/dirty looking as well as interesting. I included images of my sins. That of my tongue, clock: worried about time, not spending proper time with God/Bible/listening/ reflection and my thoughts.
Image of Bible as I should go to the Bible to draw closer to God, pray, confess and repent. Cross there for a number of reasons but a reminder that Jesus died for my sins.
I would love to have you join me each week and see where we go together. Even if you do not draw, take in the verse and share what you experience in the comments below.
blessings, Susan
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