Saturday, September 24, 2016
"Give Joy" in 30 in 30 Paintings

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Led by the Blues in 30 in 30

Half way through the 30 paintings in 30 days process. I'm plugging a lot painting most days. Yesterday, well,just had a block. Best thing when that happens is to step away. Not force it and CLEAN!
So with a clean desk and area, I begin to organize my paint. That's all it takes to inspire me. Picking a few paint combinations I begin. The colors lead me. Guiding me into a little floral field.
6"x6" acrylic mixed media $48.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days...Day 1 of My Eighth Challenge

So here is my first painting for the Eighth round. I actually was working on my Christmas sample for an upcoming painting class and got distracted by thoughts of Halloween, my favorite holiday. This may just be the last year for my kids to trick-or-treat as they are nearing that age. I though believe if they put in a substantial effort in a costume them they can go. So with memories of times when they were small...I was inspired to paint this little "treater" and his cat companion on a beautiful full moon night. SPOOKTACULAR FRIENDS out for an evening of treats was created with torn papers, stamping for texture and hand drawing and painting.
30Paintings in 30 Days...Day 1 of My Eighth Challenge

So here is my first painting for the Eighth round. I actually was working on my Christmas sample for an upcoming painting class and got distracted by thoughts of Halloween, my favorite holiday. This may just be the last year for my kids to trick-or-treat as they are nearing that age. I though believe if they put in a substantial effort in a costume them they can go. So with memories of times when they were small...I was inspired to paint this little "treater" and his cat companion on a beautiful full moon night. This photo is not the completed painting. Will have to update it...I was so delighted with the finished piece I forgot to take another photo!!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Bonus as Artist...View from Office

What can I say...brought kids for school Kennywood Amusement Park day. They're at the age I knew they would ditch me...
Seriously though thought we'd get past gate!
But now I'm set up in my "office" ready to sketch. As was my plan all along.;0).
Brought my favorite sketchbook-by Handbook,mechanical pencil- no sharpening required, waterbrush,eraser, watercolor set,head phones,sun glasses,glasses....My little monster case has some dbl sided tape,scissors,sharpener for a few colored pencils,pigma markers...mints, couple dollars
and Coke Zero.
Ready to go!
So easy to through a fee things in a bag. I'll use my phone( which I'm writing this post with) to take photos incase I want for later or move with the kids. More than I bet I use but it's my standard and most important to pack!!
Stop back for sketches...now I'm off to do just that.
Give it a try in your neighborhood sometime.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Striving for Your Goals -Blue Delphiniums & Peony's

In this piece I am focusing on striving for goals and new beginnings. Using the blue delphinium flower and pale pink peony as elements to represent these. Seeing these flowers will be a daily reminder supporting your thoughts and goals.In researching the delphinium I came across an article with these meanings I just love:

Up date: I have been working on little delphinium flowers and at times it is maddening! I am not use to what it takes to complete large pieces. So I have paused some days to start other backgrounds. But I can now say I am making real progress and happy with where it is going! Plan is to post the finished piece this week!!
Fingers crossed for me!