Friday, December 19, 2008

Did You Know?

While picking up a few things to finish up the bracelets the kids are giving for Christmas, I had to go through the art department. Did you know- they have packs of paper- watercolor,illustration board,canvas, watercolor and envelopes all ready for a ATC card! I couldn't resist getting a few. Yeah, I cut my scraps down for just this purpose but I just couldn't resist. They are from Strathmore. I found them at my near by Pat Catan's. ($1.57/pk, the ones I picked up:watercolor 10/pk,Smooth Bristol 20/pk).
Maybe you to will enjoy them too.
I plan on not letting weeks get to far away when I can show you some results with them! Hold me to it will ya?

1 comment:

Kate (Cathy Johnson) said...

Ooooh, no, more temptation! I've just been playing with the ATC/ACEO format myself, as you say, as a way to use scraps and bits. ;-)


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